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Oatmeal are rich in many types of dietary fiber. Unsaturated fats, protein, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, B vitamins and antioxidants. Which is beneficial to the body in many ways, such as helping to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, reducing blood sugar levels. and helps to excrete better

The results found that children who ate oatmeal for breakfast got more fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin E than children who did not eat breakfast and children who ate other types of breakfast, such as donuts, pancakes and Syrian breakfasts UFABET

Oats contain soluble dietary fiber such as beta-glucan. (Beta-Glucan) which helps prevent constipation that is common in children. The amount of dietary fiber that a child should receive per day is calculated from the child’s age plus 5, with units of grams. For example, the amount of dietary fiber that a 5-year-old child should receive is 5+5 = 10 grams per day. Parents may give children Eat oatmeal with yogurt or sliced ​​fruit. To increase dietary fiber and vitamins Or you can use oatmeal to make snacks that your child likes. For example, mixing it with mashed bananas and dried fruits to make cookies with health benefits.

That said, those with a known oat allergy should not use colloidal oatmeal. If you experience unwanted symptoms after using colloidal oatmeal, such as burning, a rash, or stinging, discontinue its use and speak to your healthcare provider.